« Reply #1 on: Jun 03, 2013, 12:16 am »
Here is the latest Explorer-22TDI delivered to the Daggett County, Utah Sheriff's Department for use mainly on the Flaming Gorge Reservoir.  It can be used also on the Green River and in a shared-use program with surrounding counties, FEMA & Homeland Security.  Bryan & I spent a few days on station training the Deputies in maintenance and operation.  They got some good experience on both ice and open water, as well as operating around ice fishermen at a tournament that was held the same time we were training.  As you can see, the vistas on the high-elevation lake in the foothills of Utah's High Uinta Mountain Range were spectacular.  The turbocharged 2.0L VW Jetta TDI engine performed exemplary at the lake's 6040' or 1841m elevation, allowing for a full complement of passengers, crew, and fuel with no performance penalty.  Needless to say, the locals and Salt Lake City press were impressed with the Explorer's operation.  Plenty of rides were given, and the Sheriff and his Deputies were happy to have such a capable machine at their disposal in the geographically large and diverse area they patrol.


John Carter
Hoverclub of America, Amphibious Marine & SEVTEC Kits