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General / Re: B+S 35hp dip - stick fracture
« Last post by Nick Flint on Oct 05, 2024, 9:39 am »
I shall try all of these ideas chaps and hope that ONE manages to grab the little ++++er.
The dimensions of the fractured metal are minuscule (1sq mm X 2!)  and it's amazing they don't fracture away just by a moderately fixed STARE! ::)

General / Re: B+S 35hp dip - stick fracture
« Last post by Eric Yeoman on Oct 05, 2024, 5:47 am »
will a length of old fuel line, or similar, fit in the tube? if so a force fit may impale them together & pull it out.  :-[
General / Re: B+S 35hp dip - stick fracture
« Last post by Steve Holland on Oct 05, 2024, 5:33 am »
Small neodymium magnet, unless I've misunderstood the part and it's not steel.
General / Re: B+S 35hp dip - stick fracture
« Last post by John Robertson on Oct 04, 2024, 7:20 pm »
I'd try a length of soft copper wire (1mm t&e mains?) poked down the hole and rotated a few of times.  With luck it will spiral around the dipstick and can then be pulled out gently?
General / B+S 35hp dip - stick fracture
« Last post by Nick Flint on Oct 04, 2024, 5:07 pm »
Just checking my oil level after much other work and the dipstick "came away"in my hand leaving the dipstick level indicator STILL inside the tube. Does anyone know whether this tube is removable and basically a jam fit inside the crank case, which I "think" it IS.
Ive heated the area with a paint stripper and sprayed with penetrating oil for 30 mins but as yet to no avail.
Rather spoilt a darn good days refurbing the drive system. Such is life  ::)
HovTube / Re: Electric Hybrid Hovercraft
« Last post by Nick Flint on Oct 03, 2024, 9:37 am »
Or the electric motor? Yes I also noticed the noise abatement scenario. Otters and the like are always going to be quieter due to their design, but it still IS a nice nearly AVAILABLE hovercraft to buy, - in Aussieland tho!
It HAS to be applauded such innovation, (AND investment time/money) which indeed may (may not) falter due to water ingress. It has many plus factors AND can be seen (looking good) AND working!
Im guessing it HAS to be quieter than the equivalent integrated craft with perhaps only the THRUST fan/ICE  to disturb the video music.  ;)
Specs say lift is electric centrifugal fan--- MUST be quieter and a nice touch.
Thrust is ICE as usual so im guessing the regenerative aspect is the thrust engine recharging the starter battery, which powers the cent lift. SO at times the lift will be electrically swishing away to maintain lift, NOT needing repeated throttle blipping to maintain integrated lift pressure- an especial prob with integrated IMHO. So skimming along with low thrust tick over and rudder tweaks to course. Ive done THIS exactly with KingFisher 1.  The lift quietly hummed using almost silent WINGFAN with occasional use of tick over thrust which had a disengaging thrust propellor. Im guessing in the right hands THIS could be a lovely craft to own and drive.
At least the thrust engine won't have a screaming LIFT splitter plate to disturb wild life!
Good effort - im saying so far ---in STARK contrast to that Californian spray generator that looked like SUPERCAR of supermarionation fame. Can't remember the H/C  name - Funny that?
Interlock ON.
"Hybrid" in this case means two engines running ALL the time.
So- the electric powered up front lift means there is NO need for a separate lift ICE, and its small screamy lift fan,
so the electric power is not a "greener vehicle issue". Small centrifugal lift fans can already be bought off shelf, but the Axial  fan will perhaps always dominate thrust as it's SO much more efficient.
I would like one, but I already own a lovely craft (in my workshop)!  :D

HovTube / Re: Electric Hybrid Hovercraft
« Last post by Eric Yeoman on Oct 03, 2024, 12:10 am »
what happens when the battery gets salt water on it?
HovTube / Re: Electric Hybrid Hovercraft
« Last post by Al on Oct 02, 2024, 7:58 pm »
I would like to hear that craft without the subdued sound and the music playing over the top.  Them wearing headphones/ear protectors suggests it's loud.

Also what range does it have on electric. What's the fuel economy like when using fossil fuel?

HovTube / Electric Hybrid Hovercraft
« Last post by Nick Flint on Oct 02, 2024, 9:55 am »
The Revolution - From Australia 8)
For Sale & Wanted / Re: For sale Sevtec Vanguard
« Last post by Aiden Cusack on Sep 30, 2024, 7:14 pm »
Tell me the airport closest to you so I might come over for a look please Aiden in Derry
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