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For Sale & Wanted / FOR SALE - Hovercraft Main Fan Duct and Guard
« Last post by boslemx on Today at 8:25 AM »

One of the main hovercraft parts suppliers/builder in the UK used to be K&M Products, they produced the plans for the Eagle 1 Hovercraft.

This main fan duct and guard was purchased 1999 for use on an Eagle 1 craft, however, due to unforeseen the circumstances the craft was never finished and these parts have remained unused.  They have therefore never been attached to a craft and have been kept in dry shed storage since purchase.

Duct shows some minor marks, but has cleaned, polished and waxed up well.  Outside of duct has been painted in orange and black, but could be easily overpainted. 

Duct Dimensions:
  • Fan 30" Diameter
  • Overall Height 42"
  • Cut Out 25" Wide x 11.5" Deep
Guard is in good condition and is powder coated metal construction.

Guard Dimensions:
  • 36" Diameter
Both parts are looking for a new home!!  Open to offers, looking for £75.
General / Re: Prepping an engine
« Last post by Eric Yeoman on Feb 04, 2025, 11:14 pm »
General / Prepping an engine
« Last post by Eric Yeoman on Feb 04, 2025, 4:30 pm »
Hi, where can I find the article regarding hoverising a 4 stroke small engine, please. I did try but it eludes me. thanks.
General / Scottish Hoverin 2025
« Last post by John Robertson on Feb 03, 2025, 11:31 am »
The 19th year of the famous Scottish Hoverin at the premier hovercrafting location in the UK (Loch Fyne). 

All are welcome for any part or all of the event dates.

Event is mainly based at the Argyll Caravan Park near Inveraray which takes touring campers and caravans (no tents) and has static caravans for hire).  Plenty alternative accommodation is available in the local area (probably wise to book something if you are attending on the Bank Holiday weekend as it can be busy).  Launching/parking is available at the caravan park.  If you have any problems finding anything please contact me and I'll try to help.

For newbies, we normally use VHF channel 72 for inter-craft comms and WhatsApp for daily organisation stuff.  if you PM me with your mobile # I'll add you to our Loch Fyne WhatsApp group.  It would also be useful if you can indicate in the event comment what dates you plan to attend - no commitment required!

There is some useful info HERE on the area with some basic safety info (a bit dated but hopefully useful for "newbies" to this event).

General / Metallic winter reflections
« Last post by John Robertson on Feb 03, 2025, 11:24 am »
File Name: Metallic winter reflections
File Submitted: February 3, 2025, 11:24:03 AM


General / Re: SANDY leaving club
« Last post by Nick Flint on Jan 21, 2025, 3:22 pm »
Sorry to hear that Sandy but presume you can no longer view the forum? Conversely you can just stay a member (non paying) as you may occasionally want to glance through the forum to catch-up? Ive tried the email but no such address im afraid.
Sorry the header now looks misleading--- so- Ive just changed it to "Sandy Leaving"
General / SANDY leaving club
« Last post by sandy on Jan 11, 2025, 1:35 pm »
due to my age and ill health please remove me from club roll regards sandy
General / logging
« Last post by John Robertson on Jan 07, 2025, 10:09 am »
File Name: logging
File Submitted: January 7, 2025, 10:09:44 AM


General / Re: Skirt welding
« Last post by Nick Flint on Jan 06, 2025, 10:29 am »
Following many discussions over this relatively new process of skirt fabrications it has become clear over the last six months that weldable fabrics offer so much more in terms of longevity, strength, and "HOT sun protection"!

Our regular Loch Fyne and Etive sojourns test the gluable fabrics WAY past the glue abilities to withstand heat, in that the generated heat on hot sunshine days which heats the joint up until parting company. Indeed this helps when wear patches require replacement - simply borrow the wife's hair dryer, and  unseal the joint away!
Kicking the skirt under the craft whilst sunbathing does help, but only if one remembers--- an increasingly difficult thing for me.

Discussions by me with America over Zoom calls with The Hovercraft Society have shown this welding technique is possible and highly advantageous but clearly the main hovercraft manufacturers can afford to hide away considerable expenditure on capital outlays for equipment to help bond systems. Our club is clearly constrained on such matters, but the Committee have been discussing these matters in an attempt to bring these advantages to the general members of our club.
Recently some films have been developed that can be equally applied (similarly heat bonded) to our weldable skirt fabrics which can massively extend their wear resistance and longevity. These heat pressure bonded joints massively improve the joints ability to withstand heat from lying on the sun drenched shores of Scotland

With this in mind it has been decided to buy (from club funds) an automatic heat welding roller to help with construction for all members. John Robertson has kindly undertaken the testing of the machine over his Christmas holidays, so a huge thank you to him on behalf of us all (AND ME!) for slowly finding out the best parameters to achieve best results. John is currently compiling instructions for achieving best results for members to loan out the machine for use. These instructions will clearly help hugely in achieving good results by the member as experience is gained on practice.

The Club is still deliberating over how best to loan or lend out to club members but rest assured that the machine will need to be "looked after" for continued sharing to all and
1. If you bend it - OR if it ceases to work whilst with you! - YOU mend it
2. Borrower to pay outbound and in bound courier and insurance fees.

This is a huge leap forwards in amateur Hovercraft building but more importantly Hovercraft usage over time.
It goes without saying ----but I will say it anyway!---
Thank you Steve Holland for all his time and expertise researching fabrics and wear characteristics and buying sufficient for two craft!
Thank you Ian Brooks for much help and continued advices,
and Kim Taylor for arranging payments.  :D
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