Learned something today (see it was possible)---
NEW batteries show State of Health as around 80% ONLY on my battery monitor as they are "apparently"-designed this way and ONLY approach better figures following on from cycled usage over a good few weeks (20-30 cycles).
I shall of course keep my tester handy which measures many parameters - int res, EDC, State of charge, State of health, and voltage. This follows on from replacing the solar charger monitor (24 years old) with a new, modern and clearly more up to the job doobrie. I had become less confident the old monitor was up to matters ref blocking diodes and actual charging.
The old removed unit does have evidence of blackened PCB. I shall update this thread in a while, but the M/Home gets little use from now on though.
Ive checked out M/H parasitic drain and once the tiny clock and immobiliser circuit fuse was removed, - there was NO drain. Im confident the solar panel (18 inches X 48 inches) is well up to preventing drainage and keeping immobiliser in use.