« Reply #6 on: Sep 14, 2024, 1:41 am »
Ordered a can of LPS, dry spray. I'll let you know. cheers.

« Reply #5 on: Sep 13, 2024, 10:56 pm »
I've found this product,  lps1 made by crc. Above link should (if I've copied it correct) explain its use. Any good for starters / alternator.
« Last Edit: Sep 13, 2024, 11:00 pm by John Robertson »

« Reply #4 on: Sep 13, 2024, 3:46 pm »
With starters (and alternators) the issue isn't protecting the outside as that is almost purely cosmetic.  It's the inside that you need to worry about.   Starters are pretty simple devices so there isn't much to go wrong.  Corrosion of the brush holders & springs and contamination of the commutator & solenoid contacter are the two sets of issues I've seen over the years.  Luckily, both are easily repaired by cleaning.  Attempting to seal the motor isn't going to work long term as it's impossible in practice - the bush bearings all leak for starters.  As water inevitably gets in it can't then get back out again - which is why most starters have drain holes in the casing.  It is worth painting/coating any pressed metal parts inside the starter motor as that will delay corrosion (make sure the commutator and brushes are clean - do not use any lubricant in there).

I have concluded over the years that there simply isn't any way to completely protect the insides - you just need to service/clean them eery 3 years or so as a service item.

« Reply #3 on: Sep 13, 2024, 10:02 am »
Hi Ronnie,  stupid question time,  could I spray the whole engine , alternator,  starter etc with Lanoguard. Or is there another product to use.

« Reply #2 on: Sep 12, 2024, 5:59 pm »
Hi Dave
Lanoguard is very good.
I tried it on my ignition system.
John said to me if the craft won’t run with a hosepipe squirting on the ignition system make it so that it will.
Lanoguard did that.
As you know I haven’t tried it in anger but I’m sure it would be good.
Will also work on starters I’m sure.

« Reply #1 on: Sep 12, 2024, 2:30 pm »
Nick, I found that painting the starter with a couple of coats of smooth hammerite or similar paying particular attention to the joints in the construction has reduced the ingress of moisture in to my starter, also dry lube on the Bendix protects that (mostly), it does need re applied from time to time which is easier with the non pre engage starters like mine. The starter won't look as nice, no one sees the it anyway so no big loss.
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