Another short weather window appeared so I set off for the river again. Temperature was 2C but no real wind - maybe 5-7mph - so it didnt; feel too cold. Still needed the double coat plus lifejacket though - this craft doesn't have a heater

. tide was fully out (and it's a low one!) so the launch ramp was the usual exciting ride (about 30 degree slope). No issues as I set off upriver:
.. a washed-out wintry shot with a hint of blue sky!

River was in flood (quite brown) and the flow rate even on the wide sections was around 5 knots.
... past some sandstone cliffs in a narrow section

.. after and hour and a half or so, I stopped for some welcome lunch - fresh tea from the Kelly Kettle and a naff filling station sandwich

- still, you need energy to keep warm!

... set off back downriver as the sun got low.

I spotted a seal at one point - first time I've seen one this far upriver (about 12 miles) - probably followed the salmon as there were loads of big ones jumping.
... stopped next the the end of the 2 mile long, 700 year old,
Berwick Town Walls to explore a shoreside defence tower (when the tide is out that side of the river is usually unnavigable - even for a hovercraft

) due to the amount of debris on the exposed mud banks (trees, the odd shopping trolley, dead sheep - the usual stuff
