Hi John, I'm sure you'll pick it up quick enough. Anyway we are all still learning especially with regard to hovercraft.
The engine on my craft powers a 24" lift fan directly coupled to the engine and also a 59" aircraft prop driven via a BX V belt. The craft is 14'X7' and weighs around 230kg's ready to fly. It cruises between 12-32 mph depending on the sea state and wind.
Some craft use a single fan with the airflow split to lift and push-eg Flying Fish. Others use two engines, one to operate a lift fan and the other to operate a thrust fan eg BBV's
The main advantage with my type of craft is a bit less noise and much less spray. I could go out without waterproof gear and not get wet although I wouldn't!!!!! The disadvantage of my type of craft would be storage, it will not fit in a garage, it's also not the nicest looking although I will be attempting to improve the aesthetics with the next one.
Keep asking it's a good way to learn