Message originally posted by John Robertson on 21-Feb-10 at 05:40 PM
Weather has been perfect for hovering for the last few weeks but I haven't had the chance to get out since early January (apart from some field testing). Looked good again today so I set off for Berwick. - it was minus 4 at 10am this morning but slowly warmed up as I got nearer to the coast (ended up at plus 5 ).
The sand launch ramp had a 2ft high pile of river debris (logs, trees and other vegetation) blocking it so I had to pick through it removing any spiky stuff that was stuck into the sand underneath (guaranteed to rip the skirt). Launched and set off up river - still snow on the ground and the wind chill was a bit severe! Stopped for a cuppa and a warm up on an island and had to remove a couple of layers of clothing eventually as it was very pleasant in the sunshine.Returned back downriver to the bay and set out around the breakwater/pier. Changed my mind once I saw the waves - there was hardly a breath of wind but the waves were piling up onto the beach so a coastal cruise was out