« Reply #1 on: Feb 12, 2011, 9:45 am »

Items for sale (or wanted) by Club Members can be placed in this section.   Club members can also add replies to posts.  When your item has been sold please add a "Sold" post to the thread.

Note that information you place in this section can be read by anyone browsing the Internet (they do not need to be a club member or even registered on this web site).  To prevent uncontrolled contact, we would recommend that you do NOT include personal contact information (such as email, phone, address, etc.) in your post but instead use the PM (Personal Message) system on this web site as the contact method (to be able to use the PM system a buyer must be registered on this site).

The HoverClub does not promote, certify, or endorse any of the sellers, buyers, or merchandise offered for sale on this web site. There is always risk involved with purchasing from unknown individuals online. You and you alone assume all risk and responsibility for those transactions. You alone are responsible for taking necessary precautions to protect yourself from potential fraud. The HoverClub will play no role whatsoever in transactions initiated by individuals acting on their own behalf in this section.
To contact an advertiser please use the PM (Personal Message) system (registration is required).
« Last Edit: Nov 21, 2013, 7:56 pm by John Robertson »